Saturday, November 2, 2024

Love Divine All Loves Excelling


Homily for the 31st Sunday of Ordinary Time, November 3, 2024. Gospel of St. Mark 22:28-34. Theme: Love Divine All Loves Excelling 

 It’s so appropriate that we are hearing today’s Gospel about the Great Commandment of Love right after having celebrated All Saints Day on November 1, because holiness, that is, sainthood, is 100% all about love. Or more precisely, it’s about the purification and perfection of love in our lives. But as you know, love is a word that we throw around a lot. We use it in so many different ways to describe our feelings about so many different kinds of things, from the sublime to the mundane. Our free and easy use of the word can make it challenging for any of us to precisely define what we mean by it. 

 So, I started doing some research about it in the lives of the saints because they are our all-stars in our endeavor to love. And in doing so, I discovered that instead of describing or defining love, they simply tell us that it looks and acts like Jesus of Nazareth. Why? Because He is the Love Divine All Loves Excelling (as one of our hymns puts it) who became flesh precisely to show us what it looks like for a human being to love the Lord with all one’s heart, soul, mind and strength and our neighbor as ourselves. What this means is that if we want to learn how to love in our everyday lives then we need to turn to the example of Jesus. This was precisely what every single one of the saints did. Now of course, 

I’m not talking here about a literal imitation of Christ. And the New Testament doesn’t expect us to “mimic” Him in that sense either. Rather we are urged to become like Jesus - or as St. Paul puts it, to “put on the Lord Jesus Christ” (Rom. 13:14) - which means to take on His attitude, to absorb the sentiments of His heart, and to look to Him and learn from Him as our most important role model. And this is exactly what every single one of the saints did no matter who they were or when or where they lived. So often when the stories of the saints are retold, we get a mistaken idea that they always were perfect in every way and some few were even as children. But honestly, nothing could be further from the truth. Because the reality is that they were just like you and me and many of them started off even worse than we are in many ways! 

 More than just a few of them had originally been greedy business people, conniving ladder-climbers, hedonistic self-seekers, crooked politicians, convicted criminals or corrupt clergy. But, at some point in their lives they had a deeply profound spiritual experience of the love of Jesus Christ and that’s when everything began to change for them. Bit by bit, day by day, the heart of Jesus, the mind of Jesus, the outlook of Jesus began to be gradually formed within each and every one of them. The trajectories of their varied lives show us that the power of God’s grace can turn a person around from being a skeptic into a believer, from living the lifestyle of a sinner into that of a saint. And their conversion experiences teach us that two things are indispensable in this process of being transformed by love: the Gospels and the Eucharist. 

 The Gospels are vital for modeling ourselves after the pattern of Jesus Christ because where else would we go to learn about Him? All four editions of the Gospel hand on to us what Jesus really did and said when he lived on planet Earth. And then the other texts of the New Testament, mostly those written by St. Paul, take up where the Gospels leave off and help us to actually put into practice what we learn in the Gospels. This is the reason why Pope Francis frequently urges us to read and really ponder the Gospels and allow ourselves to be formed by them. Unlike ordinary human literature, the Scriptures have the power of God within them and this power which we call “grace” can reach deep down inside us to touch, soften our hearts, and teach us how to love. 

 And as for the importance of the Holy Eucharist in our efforts of becoming more like Jesus, well that just makes total sense to me! I mean, how can we hope to grow in love if we don’t go as often as we can to receive the God of Love, who is truly present in Holy Communion? He enters into us and if we welcome Him with truly open and sincere hearts, He can get to work in changing us from the inside out! The more we receive Christ with intentional faith and conscious devotion, the more we can open ourselves up to Him and the more He can love others through us. This is why the saints were profoundly committed to receiving the Eucharist frequently. Each one of them knew that without Christ living in them, they were just one step away from becoming again what they once used to be. 

By turning to Jesus in the Gospels and the Eucharist, we can more easily and readily make the sentiments of his Sacred Heart our own. And this will enable us to make love more real and effective in tangible ways in our everyday lives, which is after all, the very goal of the Christian life. This isn’t easy, but it is possible by the grace of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit who leads and empowers us. We need to be more conscious of His Divine Presence within us and more aware of what an astounding power this gives us! Let’s learn to hold our hands out to Him every morning and pray, “Holy Spirit of Love, come, visit and fill me. Make me more like Jesus by helping me to hear and follow Your holy inspirations. Amen.”

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Master, I Want to See!


Homily for the 30th Sunday of Ordinary Time, October 27, 2024. Gospel of St. Mark 10: 46-52. Theme: Master, I Want to See! 

 The Gospels are filled with many stories of Jesus curing people. So when a particular miracle is singled out and retold to us in great detail, it means that there is an important message contained within it for our instruction. That there’s more to the story than what appears on the surface level. Today’s healing of a blind beggar is definitely one such story. 

 In today’s Gospel reading Mark introduces us to Bartimaeus as a model for us to imitate. He wants us to join with him in crying out to Jesus for the help that we need in our lives. He wants the joyful hope and expectation that moved Bartimaeus to jump up when he heard the Lord calling him, to fill our own hearts. And just as he threw aside his cloak, which symbolized getting rid of his old way of living, Mark wants those who hear this story to also begin living a new life by following the way of the Lord Jesus. 

 In other words, Mark wants us to put ourselves in Bartimaeus’ place. And this includes recognizing that we, too, can suffer from blindness, perhaps not in the physical sense but rather in regard to our moral and spiritual vision. Through this Gospel story, he hopes we will hear Christ saying to us, “What do you want me to do for you?” and that we will also cry out, “Master, I want to see! Open the eyes of my faith so that I can believe in You more firmly and follow You more faithfully. Restore clear sight to my conscience so that I can see and follow the sure bright path that leads to Heaven.” 

 This is an especially significant Gospel for those of us who live in Marin because our county has the highest percentage of un-churched non-religious observant persons in the nation! This means that there are an awful lot of spiritually and morally blind people walking around Marin County who stand in need of Jesus; healing touch. And they need us to show them the way to Him. 

 Moral vision, which enables us to see right from wrong, works through our conscience and it functions more clearly when it’s enlightened by God’s Word and informed by the teachings of Christ’s Church. Without these lights to guide the way to right living, our moral vision can darken and we can easily lose our way. This doesn’t happen all at once of course, but like physical visual degeneration, it’s a gradual process. With each misdirected step we take the blurring between good and bad increases until it becomes fuzzy gray clouds and shadows. If we don’t become proactive and take steps to correct this moral blindness once we recognize its symptoms, it can bring us to a place where we find ourselves doing things that we once thought we would never ever do. 

 Closely related to this is spiritual blindness, which if left untreated can lead to darkness and despair. For the spiritually blind, the only sure realities of life are those that can be experienced with the senses and scientifically verified with the mind. Those who suffer from this condition are concerned only about the “here and now” because they are blind to the truth that they will continue to exist beyond their time on planet Earth. They desperately cling to life in this world by any means possible because they do not see any other option. They simply cannot see that there is a whole other very real world, far better than this present one, awaiting them as a future possibility. 

 Spiritual vision, on the other hand, allows us to see that we are so much more than just randomly assembled atoms and cells. That we are so much more than our DNA, so much more than our physical appearance, so much more than our bank accounts and social status. Faith-vision informs us that each one of us has a purpose on Earth, a mission that no one else can accomplish in the exact same way. It assures us that we have an eternal destiny far beyond this planet. It enables us to know that no matter how others might judge us, Jesus peers into our depths and sees us for who we really are, and loving what He sees, He calls us to draw closer and closer to his Heart! 

 So, St. Mark is assuring us in today’s Gospel that Jesus, the Messiah Son of David, will indeed have pity on us in our blindness. If we call out to him in sincerity of heart then we will surely hear him say to us what he said to Bartimaeus, "Your faith has saved you”. That is, “your trust in Me has healed you.” And so I would like to close with a prayer for clear moral and spiritual vision that is short and easy to memorize. It was written by St. Richard of Chichester a very long time ago and it actually became the lyrics for a popular religious song, “Lord Jesus Christ, three things I pray: to see Thee more clearly, to love Thee more dearly, and to follow Thee more nearly, day by day.”

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Becoming the Greatest!


Homily for the 29th Sunday of Ordinary Time, October 20, 2024. Gospel of St. Mark 10:35-45. Theme: Becoming the Greatest! 

 In today’s Gospel, the brother-apostles, James the Greater and John, try to pull off a self-promotion maneuver behind the backs of the other 10 apostles. Like many Jews of their day, they misunderstood the ancient prophecies about the Messiah and imagined that he would be the Royal Champion who had come to conquer the Romans and establish a new and improved version of the Great Kingdom of Israel! They wanted a significant piece of the action and they are quite bold in asking for it! Instead of simply requesting it, they seem to be demanding this favor from Jesus. 

 Jesus does, indeed, grant the first part of their request, that is, to be intimately united with him in his reign in the Kingdom of God. But poor James and John had no idea what they were really asking. The “cup” and the “baptism” mentioned by Christ are symbolic references to his Cross and Passion. Jesus was mysteriously informing them that he would enter into his reign as King by wearing a crown of thorns and being given the cross as his “throne”. And per their request, these two brothers did indeed share in this baptism and cup of suffering by offering up their lives to God for the sake of the Gospel. St. James the Greater became the first of the apostles to die for Christ when King Herod ordered his beheading in the year 46 AD. And his little brother, St. John, endured torture and exile for the sake of the Kingdom. He was the last surviving apostle, dying around the year 100 AD near the age of 100. 

 But you know, James and John fundamentally had the right idea, that is, they wanted glory with Jesus and were willing to stand with him to attain it. But they misunderstood what this meant and went about it in the wrong way at first! The two brothers seem to have forgotten that Jesus has already told them that the way to victory, the way to reign with him in the glory of the Kingdom. It was to follow his example and serve the needs of others. And so our Lord repeats this lesson in today’s Gospel and says: “Those who wish to be first must become last and make themselves the slaves of all...I have come not to be served but to serve, and to give my life as ransom for many.” 

 Like James and John, this is a lesson that we all need to remember and put into practice in our everyday lives. We need to avoid their worldly ambition and realize that we don’t have to be persons in authority or someone with impressive credentials to have prestige in the Kingdom of God. Our greatness is not in what we do but in how we do it. Every human occupation and endeavor, every social level of living and every upright form of working can be a pathway to making us great in the Kingdom of God! The way to transform our ordinary everyday living into something great and extraordinary is by doing everything through Jesus, with Jesus, and in Jesus. 

 When we carry out our everyday duties THROUGH Jesus it means that we intentionally offer everything we do as a gift of love to God the Father. Our prayers and our professional duties, our joys and our struggles, all of our daily events are offered to him through the pierced hands of Jesus his Son. In this way the gift of our lives becomes joined to the gift of Jesus’ life given out of love and becomes something beautiful for God. 

 When we do everything WITH Jesus it means that we are mindful of the truth that we are not walking through life alone. We have the Lord as our companion throughout the day and can speak with him heart-to-heart. He is walking with us, he is working with us, he is praying with us and he is resting with us. When we join ourselves to Jesus in this way everything we do takes on a deeper spiritual meaning and becomes mystically united with all that he did when he lived on planet Earth.

 Finally, we seek to do everything IN Jesus. This means that we consciously try to carry out our daily actions as if it were Jesus actually doing them. It means to strive to love as he loves and to interact with others in the same manner and with the same kind of attitude that Christ has shown us. This is what it means to develop an outlook of servanthood, an attitude of humility. 

 Every morning can make the conscious and intentional offering of our day THROUGH, WITH and IN Jesus, and unite this gift of ourselves with his self-offering, by using this simple prayer from the Liturgy which we have all heard so many times: “Through him, with him, in him, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honor is yours, almighty Father, for ever and ever. Amen.”

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Free From the Inside Out!


Homily for the 28th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Oct. 14, 2018. Readings: Wisdom 7:7-11; Hebrews 4:12-13; Gospel of St. Mark 10:17-27. Theme: Free From the Inside Out! 

 The rich man in today’s Gospel was not all that different from many of us today. He enjoyed what life had to offer but at the same time he recognized that there was more to life than what we experience here on planet Earth. He knew that how we live in this life has a direct correlation as to where we will continue our existence in the next. It seems that his dilemma was really a matter of priorities. He stood in need of the gift of wisdom (as we heard in our first reading) so that he could make the best choice between two forms of wealth & success. Would it be the material pleasures of the here and now or the eternal luxury of treasures in Heaven? 

 According to Jesus, we cannot have it both ways! Striving after both forms of riches cannot successfully coexist as a double-goal in our lives. Or as Christ put it in a related teaching of his Gospel, “No one can serve two masters. For you will either hate the one and love the other or be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.” (Matthew 6:24) It’s not that wealth is evil in and of itself. But a fat bank account and a more-than-sufficient income can fool us into thinking that we are safe and secure, self-sufficient and masters of our own destiny. They can fool us into thinking that we are secure, and unstoppable. That is, until the stark reality of our human vulnerability and mortality slaps us in the face! 

 There aren’t enough riches or pleasures in the whole galaxy to keep disappointments or disasters, sickness or death away from us. And we all know that the old saying is true which tells us that “money cannot buy happiness” yet we so often just keep acting as if it can. We see the truth of this saying manifested in the rich man in today’s story. He had it all and lived a basically good life and yet… something was lacking, something was holding him back from real satisfaction with life and with himself. His money could not buy him the happiness he desired and in frustration he turned to Jesus for the solution. The Lord was able to look into his heart and told him precisely what was lacking, but he wasn’t open to hearing it. He wanted the best of both worlds which simply cannot be done. His wealth trapped him and he was possessed by all that he owned. And so the gospel tells us, “He went away sad, for he had many possessions.” 

 In passing on this story to us in his version of the Gospel, St. Mark wants us to honestly look inside ourselves and discern what is holding us back from more fully following Jesus? Maybe it isn’t money or possessions. Maybe it’s lust or arrogance; maybe it is envy or a hurt that we refuse to forgive. Maybe it’s a wrong relationship or a destructive behavior that we do not feel strong enough to break out of. But if we truly thirst for eternal life, then we need to honestly ask ourselves: “What is it that I lack that keeps me from giving myself completely to Christ? What is holding me back?” 

 The description of the Word of God in today’s second reading from the Letter to the Hebrews can help with this personal diagnosis and its cure. It reminds us that Scripture is like a two-edged sword that can perform spiritual surgery, so to speak, and help us to cut out whatever blocks our full following of Jesus. This is why Pope Francis constantly reminds us to read at least a small portion of the Gospels daily. God’s Word has power to penetrate into our hearts, into our consciences, and to root out whatever does not belong to Christ. Like any medicine, it works over time and must be taken in daily dosages, but if we persevere in undergoing this spiritual treatment we will indeed gradually come to be free. 

 Jesus had offered the rich young man a pathway to freedom, but he preferred the comfort of his chains. He could not let go of the gold in his hand in order to grasp the hand of his Lord. Let’s not be like that. Let’s drop the gold of whatever it is that holds us back and take Jesus’ hand and follow Him, and allow him to lead us through life - with all its ups and downs - and finally bring us to that awesomely free and utterly fulfilling life with God that never ends.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Covenant or Contract?


Homily for the 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Gospel of St. Mark 10:2-16. Theme: Covenant or Contract? 

 This Sunday's liturgy focuses primarily upon the awesome mystery and meaning of marriage. Sacred Scripture begins with the creation and union of man and woman in Genesis and ends with "the wedding feast of the Lamb" in the Book of Revelation. So we see that the Holy Bible refers to marriage from its first to its last page. God gave marriage its natural origin and purpose and then Jesus elevated it to the supernatural status of a Sacrament, making matrimony a channel of his uplifting grace enabling spouses to preserve their union through good times and bad. 

 The Pharisees were known for trying to trap Jesus throughout his public ministry. In our Gospel reading their question about the lawfulness of divorce was intended to put Jesus between a rock and a hard place. They knew that divorce was not in God’s original plan for marriage, but they also knew that God’s great prophet Moses had allowed husbands and wives to divorce. So, where would Jesus stand in this seemingly contrary situation? Would he turn his back on the law of Moses which they held to be untouchable? 

 But our Lord doesn’t fall into their carefully set trap. He emphasizes that it was Moses and not God who allowed for divorce and refers them back to the Book of Genesis which asserts God’s original intention for marriage. He reiterates to them that when a man and woman get married they become “one flesh” by entering into a union which is both bonded TO God and bonded BY God. Thus Jesus says, “what God has joined together, no human being must separate.” This was a hard teaching for some who heard Jesus to accept and it remains a challenge for many today. It seems to me that a big part of the problem today is that people are using the same word (“marriage”) but they are using it to describe two related but different things! Let’s look at both viewpoints. 

 The Church sees God's design of marriage as a COVENANT. This means it’s intended to be a three-way bond between the Lord, the groom and the bride. The couple agrees to live out their relationship with God and in obedience to his Word. In return God pledges to be with them always and assist them. As the late sainted Archbishop Fulton Sheen used to say, "It takes three to get married!" This covenant made BY and WITH God can only be broken by God and can end only with the death of one of the spouses. 

 On the other hand, non-Christian sources see marriage as a CONTRACT and not a covenant. For them it is a man-made legal partnership by which persons enter into a legal agreement. And as a legal document it can define marriage anyway it wishes. It can also end the legal relationship upon the decision of the signers of the marriage license. A judge then declares the contract null and void and that the person is legally free to enter into another civil marriage contract. So you see the vast difference and divergence between the two definitions! 

The widespread confusion between covenant vs. contract is really what is at the heart of a misunderstanding of marriage. Being raised in a culture where the dominant media is more prominent than faith in their moral formation, children can grow up with a warped-image of matrimony. This media disinformation gives rise to the idea even among some Christians that the best and most normal “marriage preparation”,so to speak, is had by living together in disregard for God’s Word. It further muddies the matrimonial waters by claiming that all weddings are pretty much the same, whether it be a ceremony celebrated sacramentally in a church OR a civil service held at a vineyard (or some other desired venue). And finally, it delivers the fateful message that a marriage can end when hopes for how it should have been do not become a reality. 

 But there is a short and simple response to these errors promoted by the media and society in general. And it can be found in the sacred promise that is traditionally spoken at a Catholic wedding: “ have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish until death do us part.” This is the real heart and soul of a holy matrimony that is lived out, day by day, by both husband and wife who mean what they say and who depend upon Christ to supply what they lack.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

More Than a Cup of Water


Homily for the Annual Vincentian Appeal, September 28/29, 2024. Gospel of St. Mark 9:38-48. Theme: More Than a Cup of Water 

 In today’s gospel, Jesus declares that even giving someone a cup of water in his Name does not go unnoticed and unrewarded by God. Well, it’s my privilege to speak today about a group of ordinary everyday Christians who give the needy so much more than simply a cup of water. They are called Vincentians, members of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, which was begun in Paris in 1833, under the leadership of a 20-year-old Catholic law student named Frederic Ozanam. The Society was started in the aftermath of the bloody French Revolution which persecuted the Catholic Faith and resulted in terrible poverty for so many. Frederic and some of his classmates were accused by fellow students of being comfortable Christians who were all talk but no action when it came to making life better for the destitute. Rising to the challenge, the small group decided to give tangible witness to their faith by bringing the love of Christ in concrete ways to the hungry, the sick, the suffering and the vulnerable. 

 Even though it was extremely dangerous, they began to go 2-by-2 into the Parisian slums. They devised an innovative method of making home visits to the poor so that they could see for themselves what needed to be done. Then they returned to their parishes to collect food, clothing, medicine and money to distribute on their next round of visits. They called themselves the Society of St. Vincent de Paul in honor of the patron saint of charitable organizations. The Society grew and spread rapidly. It arrived in America in 1845, in our Archdiocese in 1860, and in Marin County in the early 1900’s. Here at St. Sebastian’s we’ve been blessed to have had a Conference of the Society continuously for about 50 years. And its members continue to serve in the person-to-person style of Frederic and his first companions. 

They speak with and visit individuals and families so that they can see and learn for themselves what needs to be done. And then they come back to their parish, to us, in order to spread the word, make known the needs, and collect what is needed to provide relief. And the only reason they can do these things is because they have you, their parish community, supporting them. Because Marin has a reputation of being a wealthy county, the sting of poverty hurts even more. It can place upon the downtrodden an additional burden of false shame or they simply become invisible to eyes that just do not want to see them. But right here living among us are those who are struggling to simply survive. And they often have the additional stress of caring for a disabled child or spouse. Every week of the year, our Vincentians bring them help and hope by supplementing monthly rents to avoid homelessness; by making dental and medical care possible; they assure the continuation of utilities so that basic human needs can be met. They provide furniture to make apartments livable, they distribute Safeway cards to enhance food shopping, and overall they assist in so many ways that enable both adults and children to live with dignity and find some peace of mind. 

 In addition, unexpected and unique situations can also arise. For example, they have helped to relocate an abused woman and her vulnerable children to another state in advance of her abuser’s release from prison. On another occasion they were contacted by a terrified murder-witness who needed protection and relocation. And of course Christmas is fast approaching and as they do every year, our Vincentians will be distributing gift cards to families with children so that Santa Claus can make his anticipated visits to them as well. Now, this long list of amazing good works might sound like they were being carried out by an immense network of people covering a very large territory. But in actuality they were done by only a small handful of Vincentians working within just the confines of our local parish boundaries (which encompass Greenbrae, Kentfield and parts of southern San Rafael). But this same kind of scenario is repeated by Vincentians in other parishes of Marin county (many of whom are with us here at this special Mass tonight). Isn’t it amazing to see what wonderful things can happen when even just a few Christians band together to do good and when their parish communities stand behind them with spiritual and financial support! 

 And so I am standing here before you today to beg you in the Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ and in the name of his poor for your participation in and support for the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. It should come as no surprise to anyone that due to inflation our funds do not go as far as they used to and yet the cries for help continue to call out to us! To be quite blunt, we need your help in order to keep bringing the tangible love of Christ to those who struggle. Funds are always needed of course, but members are needed too, for what good will the money be if there is no one to actually use it and bring aid to the poor? So, please consider becoming either an active Vincentian yourself or a regular contributing Vincentian donor. 

 But even before money and members, I am asking first of all that you pray for the Vincentians and those they serve. You see, the Society looks like any other humanitarian group on the outside, but it’s really so very different on the inside! It exists for one reason only: to show the providence and love of God for the poor through good works that bring the Gospel of Jesus into people’s lives in concrete ways. Vincentians shine the light of faith on others simply by their very presence because they strive to be the Face of Christ FOR the poor and to see the Face of Christ IN the poor. You see, the Society is first of all a spiritual association and so your prayers are very much needed to uplift and support them as well as those they serve. 

 Secondly, I ask you to prayerfully consider if God might be calling you to live out your faith as an active member of the Society. Becoming a Vincentian is not simply joining a group. It's a vocation, it’s responding to a call from Christ himself to become a partner with him in bringing his Good News to the poor. Participation is based on each member’s available time and we could really use Spanish-speaking Vincentians as well. If you are interested to know more be sure to stop by our parish ministry fair which will be held after all the Masses on the weekend of October 12/13. This will give you a chance to ask questions and learn more about the Society and its works. 

 And lastly, I am of course asking for donations. You have always been so incredibly generous to the Society so it's hard for me to stand here and ask yet again. But the love of God and the needs of the poor impells me to do so. Just so you know, it takes an average of about $6,000.00 a month to meet the pressing needs that are made known to us, so please be as generous as you can with today’s special collection. Just a few tips when donating...
  •  If you are donating by check be sure to put SVDP in the memo line. 
  • If you are giving cash, please use one of the SVDP envelopes so that we know your donation is not for the parish in general. 
  • And if you are not prepared to make a contribution today, please mail or bring back your donation, using one of the SVDP envelopes that can be found at each of the church entrances. 
On behalf of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul I thank you and I ask God to bless you and reward you for the giving of your time, talent and treasure to relieve the suffering of Christ in the persons of his poor!

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Greatness (Redefined!)


Homily for the 25th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Sept. 22, 2024. Readings - Gospel of St. Mark 9:30-37. Theme: Greatness (Redefined!) 

 Today’s Gospel has a lot packed into it, so let’s take it apart and look at it bit by bit… 

 "Jesus and his disciples left from there and began a journey through Galilee, but he did not wish anyone to know about it." What a stark contrast this description is about the ministry of Jesus! Usually he is surrounded by crowds at the seashore or has a huge gathering of listeners straining to hear his every word. But now Jesus intentionally seeks privacy so that he can have quality time with just his Twelve Apostles, giving them personal instruction. Why? Because they are headed towards Jerusalem for the Passover and Jesus knows it will be the last one they spend with him, and so he is trying to prepare them for the shocking reality to come. 

 "He was teaching his disciples and telling them about his approaching Passion, but they did not understand and they were afraid to question him." Well, the Lord says quite clearly what is going to happen to him but the Apostles don’t seem to grasp it. It makes you wonder what part of “they are going to kill me” didn't they understand? Well, I think there are two reasons for their silence. First, no devout Jew raised with the idea that the Messiah was a king or a kind of “Superman” would ever think it possible for him to be overcome by his opponents. The idea just wouldn’t even enter their heads. Secondly, it could be that they had an inkling that what Jesus was saying was somehow true. After all, he had never lied to them and he seemed to know everything. So just maybe they were quiet because they were afraid to ask, afraid of his response. It’s like we sometimes say, “if you don’t want to know the answer, then don’t ask the question.

” They came to Capernaum and, once inside the house, he began to ask them, “What were you arguing about on the way?” The house in Capernaum was actually the home of the brother-disciples, Peter and Andrew. Almost from the beginning of his ministry Jesus had made it his headquarters. Jesus didn’t get a reply to his question but it didn’t matter because he knew what they were arguing about. I bet he asked because he wanted to hear them say it themselves, to hear them own up to it. I am sure that they knew that Jesus knew and so out of utter embarrassment they remained silent. I think we can all relate to their silence and sense of shame in being caught in the act, like when we ourselves have been caught by surprise in the midst of a petty conversation or gossip session. 

 Then he sat down, called the Twelve, and said to them, “If anyone wishes to be first, he shall be the last of all and the servant of all.” Jesus loses no time going straight to the fact that even after living with him for several years, they were not picking up on his Message. The giving up of self out of love for God and neighbor is at the very heart and soul of the Gospel proclaimed by Jesus through both his example and his word. He gave us the primary example of this in his Incarnation. He, God the Son, humbled himself, laying aside his divine powers so as to become utterly human. Then, he lived for 30 years as a laborer in a poor working class family in a backwater village. Finally, he spent 3 years in public ministry during which he was constantly besieged by people and condemned by his opponents. Why did God freely choose to go through all of self=emptying? So that he could relate to us, be in solidarity with us, become truly one of us in all things except sin. He made himself susceptible and vulnerable, all out of love for us. And still…the disciples remain clueless. They push and shove one another for the sake of a high political position in a kingdom of their own selfish ambition and imagination! But Jesus doesn’t give up on them. He teaches them yet another lesson in humility and service by holding up a little child before them as a model and a sign. 

 “Whoever receives one child such as this in my name, receives me; and whoever receives me, receives not me but the One who sent me.” To teach and illustrate to his disciples what he meant by “greatness” and whom they should seek to serve instead of the rich and influential, Jesus presented them with a child. You see, in their ancient culture, a child had no rights, no standing, no claims to anything whatsoever. A child had no clout with which to repay or reward anyone. And so Jesus is telling them - and us - that it is our attitude and treatment of the most vulnerable among us that truly proves the reality of our love for God. It is, in fact, by putting ourselves at the end of the line, so to speak, that we become great in the Kingdom of Christ. This is what it means to say that "the first shall be last and the last shall be first". 

 So it seems to me that our review of today’s Gospel is calling each one of us to examine our own attitudes and behavior. Do we have a spirit of selfish competition, trying to grab the highest place for our own benefit? Do we give special attention particularly to those who are influential and can thus repay us? What are we doing to actually show concrete care and concern for the “least” among us? Are we satisfied with merely feeling sorry for them but then simply continuing on with our own comfortable existence? Are there superfluous things in my life that I can give up and then use the money I would have spent on these things for the relief of the suffering of my neighbor? Those are important questions for sincere Christians to ask themselves.