Deacon Dave's Homilies & Reflections
A collection of homilies and reflections on various aspects of Catholic Faith and Spirituality
Sunday, March 23, 2025
Streams of Living Water
Wednesday, March 19, 2025
Saint Joseph, The Man Closest to Jesus
Homily for the Solemnity of St. Joseph, March 19, 2025. Gospel of St. Luke 2:22-40. Theme: Saint Joseph, The Man Closest to Jesus
The fact that Saint Joseph was a vital figure in the story of our salvation is often overlooked. Not on purpose, of course, but I suppose it's understandable at least on surface level. Jesus is, and must always be of course, the center and focus of our Faith. And Mary is always close at hand, right there beside Him. But it seems to me that St. Joseph is too often treated as the "forgotten member of the Holy Family", so to speak. To some extent I guess this is not surprising given that from a theological point of view, he seems to be out-shined by a wife who is the all-holy Immaculate Conception and an adopted Child who is the very Son of God. But I think that if we look at it from a different point of view, from the practical instead of the theological, we might better appreciate St. Joseph, who was the man closest to God on planet Earth.
Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, who has a strong devotion to St. Joseph, wants to bring him out of the shadows and so has written and spoken much about him. He has asked us to deepen our understanding of this man whom God appointed to be husband and father, provider and protector of the Holy Family of Nazareth. To do so requires intentional determination on our part because we know so very little about St. Joseph. Scripture doesn’t say much about him and not a single word of his is recorded for us in the Gospels. But we can learn some basic facts about his life and draw important conclusions about his character if we really just stop and reflect on the little information we do have.
We are told that he was a descendant of the great King David of Jerusalem who had lived 500 years before him. But by Joseph’s time the royal family had disintegrated socially and was mixed in among the common people. This didn’t, however, change the fact that Joseph was a branch on David’s family tree and the prophets of Israel foretold that the Messiah would be born from this House of David. But how would this apply to Jesus, who was only biologically born from Mary? Well, this is where we need to know ancient Jewish law. You see, according to this law when a man officially held and named a child at the 8th Day circumcision ceremony, that baby became his very own son and legally inherited his family line. No questions asked. And so the boy whom Joseph officially named “Jesus” thus became like Joseph a member of the House of David. So, St. Joseph made it possible for the prophecies of the Messiah's lineage to be fulfilled.
The Holy Bible gives us only a brief two-word introduction to Joseph. We find it in the Gospel of St. Matthew where he is described as a “just man”. In our modern language, we would translate this as a righteous man, a holy man, a virtuous man, a man who always did the right thing even at personal cost. For example, when Joseph was informed of Mary’s inexplicable pregnancy, he could have made a big deal out of it. He could have played the victim. He could have embarrassed her and her family in order to save his reputation. But Joseph was willing to let it go and chose the option of a quiet divorce which would cast shadows on his personal integrity. By taking this route, people would assume that he had “jumped the gun” to his wedding night and thus blame the out-of-order pregnancy on his lack of chaste self-control. They would assume that “poor Mary” had to submit to his desire. Now, if he had divorced Mary publicly he would be declaring that she had been unfaithful and guilty of adultery. But Joseph wasn’t willing to do this to her and her family because he was a “just man”. His self-forgetfulness and heartfelt compassion was rewarded with an angel dream in which he was assured that the Child was of God and reaffirmed his commitment to proceed with the bond of marriage. This example of St. Joseph calls us to be people of integrity, people of our word, people who think of others and do the right thing no matter what the personal cost.
Another thing that I notice about Joseph from the Gospel stories is his spirit of prayerfulness that allows him to hear and recognize God’s voice. We are told how he was able to receive the Lord’s message in dreams and be so convinced that it was indeed God speaking that he did exactly what the dreams indicated. He took Mary as his wife because of a dream. He fled with the Mother and Child to Egypt because of a dream. Years later he returned to Israel with them because of a dream. It seems to me that the only way Joseph could awaken and immediately do what his dreams commanded was because he had trained himself to hear and recognize God’s voice through prayer. This tells me that he must have spent quality time in silent prayer of the heart which breeds a sensitivity to the Divine Presence and Voice. Through this example, I see St. Joseph calling us to also become people of deep personal prayer and silent meditation, people who learn to hear and recognize the voice of God whispering within us.
Finally, I am deeply moved by the self-sacrificing love that St. Joseph shows for Jesus and Mary which characterized his entire adult life. His plans for marriage took a turn he didn’t expect when Mary conceived Christ. He sacrificed his sexuality and biological fatherhood, two things deeply dear to every man, for the sake of Mary’s unique role as Mother of the Son of God. And amazingly, it was this ordinary and yet extraordinary Joseph of Nazareth, whom God himself chose to become his male role-model when he came to live in the flesh on planet Earth. The generous and selfless heart of St. Joseph invites us to learn from his example what it looks like to truly love and generously serve those who are entrusted to our care. He devoted his whole life to simply being the best provider and protector, the best husband and father for the Holy Family.
So, as we celebrate the Solemnity of St Joseph, let's do our best to grow in our understanding and devotion to him. Let’s ask him to help us become virtuous people, prayerful people, people wholly dedicated to loving and serving those with whom we live, work and socialize. Let’s form the habit of turning to St. Joseph in prayer in our own times of need and with the same confidence that Mary and Jesus had in him. And then just like them, I am sure that we will never ever be disappointed!
Saturday, March 15, 2025
Sharing in the Experience of the Transfiguration
Homily for the Second Sunday of Lent, March 16, 2025. The Gospel of St. Luke 9:28-36. Theme: Sharing in the Experience of the Transfiguration
The Transfiguration of Jesus was a manifestation of who Christ really was and what his mission as the Messiah was meant to be. Not only did Peter, James and his brother John catch a glimpse of divinity brilliantly radiating from the Lord, but they also heard the voice of God the Father confirming this divinity, declaring that Jesus was his Chosen Son to Whom they must listen, Whose words they must embrace. The Transfiguration sheds light upon two of the most important doctrines of Christianity: that Jesus of Nazareth is the Son of God Who lived among us as a man (which we call the “Incarnation”) and that He is the Messiah-Savior who set us free from sin and death (which we call the “Redemption”).
Standing next to Jesus in this mystical vision were two great figures of the Old Testament: Moses and Elijah. They were not there as silent witnesses or simply ornamental adornments. They appeared as living spirits who spoke with Jesus about the things they themselves had foretold concerning Him long before He came to earth. Moses stood with Christ on that mountain as the spiritual leader of the Covenant People of the Promise. Elijah was there as the representative of all the prophets of ancient Israel whose messages kept the hope of a Messiah alive in the hearts of an oppressed people. The three of them were discussing the upcoming “exodus” of Christ which means His approaching Passion and Resurrection.
St. Luke uses the word “exodus” to intentionally connect the miraculous liberation of the Hebrews out of Egypt with the Redemption Jesus would “accomplish in Jerusalem” by His Cross and Resurrection. This is a very important detail of today’s Gospel because the disciples, like most of the Jews of their time, had some very erroneous ideas about the Messiah and His mission of liberation. You see, the prophets of Israel had foretold that the Messiah would be a Great Hero who would bring the Chosen People to glory and happiness. Most Jews interpreted this to mean that He would be a great political Warrior-King. They expected the Messiah to overcome their Roman oppressors and re-establish in their place the righteous Kingdom of Israel. They clung to this idea because it was what they wanted. It was what they thought that God ought to do. But in hindsight we see that they had misinterpreted the Word of God as spoken through the prophets. They had developed mistaken ideas about God, liberation and glory.
And like them, I think we all run the risk of developing false ideas about who God is and how he should act in our lives. And I’m sure that we all have our own expectations of what God intervening into our lives should look like. Our default expectation is that God will grant us all our wishes and make our lives happy and perfect, according to how we ourselves define “happy and perfect”. And in doing this we become like those Israelites. We create an unrealistic god for ourselves, a god fashioned according to our own making, a god of our own imagining and hoping. In other words, we are constructing a “magic genie-in-a-bottle” kind of God, so to speak, and we expect Him to make what we want to happen come about in our lives. And when this doesn’t happen according to our preconceived plans, we can easily turn on Him.
This is very much the same as the Jewish people forming a false idea of the Messiah and then rejecting Him because He was not what they expected Him to be. Peter, James and John had their erroneous notions shaken up on that mount of the Transfiguration and it’s important that we, too, leave our preconceived ideas and unrealistic expectations behind. And the best way for us to do this is by heeding the words that God the Father spoke at the Transfiguration when He said about Jesus: “This is my chosen Son, listen to him.”
The dynamics of the disciples at the Transfiguration can teach us how to “listen to Jesus” through the practice of prayer. First, like them going away to the mountain, we need to go to a place where we can be alone and undisturbed. We need to get away from our daily routine and from the many distractions that life throws at us, so that we can devote quality time to our relationship with God. Then, just as they contemplated Christ, we can turn to Him in a story from the Gospels and take our time with it. We ponder it, we reflect on what Chriost is doing and saying in the story we have chosen to read. We reflect on it thoughtfully, ruminating over it, thinking about how it can relate to us. We permit the words and images of the story to penetrate our minds and we ask ourselves what it means for my life.
In this practice of prayer, we can be like those three apostles looking at the transfigured Jesus and taking it all in. Like Peter speaking to his transfigured Lord, we can ask Jesus to show us what He wants us to learn from this experience. And then we remain interiorly still and listen for the voice of the Beloved Son speaking to the ears of our heart. His words might come to us as an idea or an image that enters into our minds. We can respond back to Jesus sharing with Him our thoughts, feelings and insights into what we have encountered in our prayer. Finally, after our meditation time, we return to our daily duties, treasuring this prayerful experience of Jesus in our hearts, just as Peter, James and John did when they came down off that mountain. If we practice this type of prayer regularly, we will become more and more aware of the presence of God living within us by grace. We will become more sensitive to the voice of the Lord speaking to us. We will find that we ourselves are becoming more and more spiritually and interiorly transfigured into the image of Christ, the Chosen Son.
Saturday, March 8, 2025
In Solidarity with Jesus
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Fresh Starts & Second Chances
Saturday, March 1, 2025
Time for A Spiritual Vision Checkup!
Sunday, February 23, 2025
Do I Smell Like a Rose or a Cattlefield?
Homily for the 7th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Feb. 23, 2025. Gospel of St. Luke 6:27-38. Topic: Do I Smell Like a Rose or a Cattlefield?