Sunday, January 21, 2018

The Most Basic Truth About Life

From the Catholic Liturgy for the 3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time, Jan. 21, 2018. Gospel – Mark 1:14-20. Theme: The Most Basic Truth About Life.

All of our readings today carry a common message: Never forget what life is really all about. Never forget who placed you here. Never forget to whom you shall return

One week ago, on Sat., Jan. 13, the people of Hawaii were informed that a ballistic missile had been launched at them. They were told to seek shelter.  For a long frightening 30 minutes they did not know that this was a mistake.  I found the reports by the Catholic media out of Hawaii to be eye-opening. Those who could reach shelter did so. But most could not.

Those who could not gathered with their children, led them in the Act of Contrition and then began to pray the rosary. Most were not people who usually prayed this way very often, but when push comes to shove, they knew to whom they should go. They knew what the most basic and important act of life is to prepare to go to God from whom they came and enter eternity.

That evening and non-stop throughout the night, priests tell us that confession lines were out the door and around the block.  All the next day, which was a Sunday, the parishes reported churches packed to standing room only. Most were not people who usually went to confession of attended Mass often, but when push comes to shove, they knew to whom they should go. They knew what the most basic and important act of life is to prepare to go to God from whom they came and enter eternity.

On that morning, a group of deacons and men studying for the diaconate, were at Mass and without their cell phones. They were surprised by the Bishop running into their gathering wearing only t-shirt and shorts! He informed them about the alert and then gave them General Absolution. There was no time for the bishop to dress or worry about formality, because he knew what the most basic and important act of life is, so he rushed over to the chapel to help those people prepare to go to God from whom they came and enter eternity.

It’s too bad that it takes a shock to wake us up, but we are all so surrounded with lies and false promises from our culture that we forget, we get distracted from, this basic fundamental truth. Commercials on TV, celebrity chatter shows, movies we watch, the music we hear…none of these promote or support the basic truth of human life. If we were to put the media’s message into the Bible-language we hear in today’s Gospel, it might sound like this: “This is the time to fulfill your own desires. The Kingdom of Self is at hand. No need to change; believe whatever you think is true for you, and live life pleasing yourself.”

ostBut the recent experience of our Hawaiian brothers and sisters shows that, while this false worldly message can distract us, it doesn’t have to own us. When they received that false alarm, they didn’t turn to the media culture to obtain forgiveness.  No! They fell to their knees in prayer. They headed for their parish churches. They stampeded into the confessional. They had come to know by their experience that the most basic and important act of human life is to always be ready to go to God from whom we came, and to enter eternity in peace, prepared to go.

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