Sunday, April 1, 2018

The Resurrection: It’s a Game-Changer!

From the Catholic Liturgy for Easter Sunday, April 1, 2018. Gospel: John 20:1-9. Theme: The Resurrection:  It’s a Game-Changer!

Today's awesome celebration places before us the central truth of Christianity:  the real, historical, physical Resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. No matter when in history or where in the world you live, it is a strange thing, indeed, to believe that a man who was tortured, killed and buried, has risen up to more a powerful, glorious  and real life. But that is precisely the unique good news of Christianity: that Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God and Savior of all people, has risen from the dead and conquered the finality of death for those who follow Him.

There are many religions in the world, but the Resurrection sharply distinquishes Jesus from all the other religious prophets and founders.  No one else claimed to be what He said he was. No one else claimed to be more powerful than death itself. The Buddha was cremated and interred in Kushinagar, India.  The Old Testament tells us the grave of Moses is near Mount Nebo, in Jordan. Confucious is buried in the Shandong province of China. Muhammed is buried in Medina, Saudi Arabia. But where is the body of Jesus of Nazareth?

As we heard in this morning’s Gospel the tomb of Jesus was found empty. According to the eye witness experience of over 500 people during the 40 days after that first Easter Sunday, he was alive…risen…glorious…immortal. 

If these experiences are true…the it means:
·       That Jesus was indeed who He said He was: God actually come among us in the flesh as one of us.  
·       That His words are so much more than simply religious doctrine such as we can find in other faiths, and so much more than motivational pep talks or positive thinking from celebrities like Joel Olsteen or Oprah Whinphrey.
·       That Easter is a total game-changer in human history and for each human life.

But because Christianity is a challenging religion that calls us to reform our lives, there have been people throughout history - and still today - who challenge the reality of the Resurrection and seek to discredit it,  because they know that Christianty either stands of falls on the TRUTH of this claim.

But it is very interesting that in 2,000 years, with even some brilliant minds investigating the Easter claims, only four fundamental objections to the Resurrection have persisted and not a one of them holds water when put up against the historical facts and eye-witness experiences.  These four objections are:
1.     The Gospels are myth not history; there was no real Resurrection.
2.     The body of Jesus was stolen and the thieves claimed a Resurrection.
3.     Jesus didn't really die, he was simply unconscious when placed in the tomb.
4.     The disciples who saw a Risen Jesus were hallucinating.

Let’s tale a quick look at each one of these.

#1 MYTH NOT HISTORY. Some people dismiss the story of the Resurrection as being a myth made up by Christians. In other words, they say that the Gospels are not historical documents based on eye-witness experiences, but religious fantasy.
·       Literary scholars and historians of every era have agressivekly studied the Gospels and put them to the usual demanding tests that they use on any historical records.
·       They tell us that the Gospels are more reliable than most documents we have of any ancient persons and that Jesus of Nazareth is among the most solidly established historical figure in human history.
·       Scholars and historians cannot make a  judgement on the faith-content of the gospels, but they can assure us that they record for us what the disciples of Jesus really saw, heard, touched and experienced.

#2 STOLEN.  This objection says that the corpse of Jesus was stolen and then a fake Resurrection was announced.  In other words, it was a lie; a conspiracy theory. Ok, so who would have stolen Him? 
·       Romans? No reason.  They killed him to put an end to possible rebellion.

·       Jewish Leaders? No reason. If so, they could have just produced the body and put an end to lie of Christianity - which they saw as a blasphemy and threat to Judaism – right at its beginning.
·       Discples? I hardlty think so. First, they were cowards locked away in hiding out of fear for their lives. Second, people make up lies to elevate their status in the eys of others and to earn perks.
·       What perks did the alleged lie of the Resurrection bring to the apostles? Hatred, persecution, imprisonment, torture, and such cruel deaths as being boiled alive, crucified, beheaded and fed to the lions. I don’t know about you, but I definitely would not apply for that job description!

#3 UNCONSCIOUS BUT NOT REALLY DEAD.  Jesus was crucified by professionals. Then his side was pierced by a spear. Physicians who read this account say that the blood and water flowing out from his side tell us that the heart itself was punctured.
·       But let's say he wasn't dead, simply unconscious and came-to in the tomb.
·       How could a man who had food and water withheld for 24 hours, was beaten, tortured, crucified and had his heart speared find the strength to move a huge stone covering the cave and evade the Roman guards?
·       Besides, the eye-witnesses tell us they encountered a glorious, powerful risen Lord, not a weak, wounded stumbling man.

#4 HALLUCINATIONS. There are some who have claim the disciples were so torn apart emotionally and physically by what they had gone through that they hallucinated the appearances of the Risen Jesus.
·       But we must remember that one of the reliable historical testimonies we have is from 500 people who were all gathered together and saw the Risen Lord among them at the same time and in the same place.
·       Psychologists tell us that it is impossible for 500 people to all have the exact same hallucination at the very same time.  
·       Also, hallucinations last for a few moments.  But the Risen Jesus remained among his disciples for 40 days!
·       And in that time they touched his wounds, ate with him, and even went fishing with him!

But the real proof of the Resurrection, of course, isn't found in intelligent responses to unreasonable objections. It is found in the witness of transformed lives.  
·       This transformation began with the Apostles who were cowards changed into bold preachers and martyrs for Christ.  

·       Each of them underwent cruel tortures and deaths rather than deny the reality of what they had seen and heard and touched and experienced about Jesus, the Crucified and Risen One.  
·       And this life-changing faith transforming lives has been going on now for 2,000 years through the power of the Holy Spirit whom the Risen Lord Jesus gives to those who believe.

And so I think we each need to ponder and ask ourselves:  What is My response to the Good News of the Christianity?
·       Do I believe that Jesus of Nazareth is the Son of God come in the flesh?
·       Do I believe that He died for ME, out of a personal love for ME, as if I was the only person in the world in need of Him?
·       Do I believe that He is truly risen from the dead and holds out his hands to Me to offer me this very same gift of eternal life if I follow Him?
·       Pray and Ponder over these questions very carefully because the Truth of WHO Jesus is and the reality of WHAT He has done for us, is earth-shattering and life-transforming. 
·       The Easter news of the Resurrection is, indeed, a total game-changer!

Happy Easter!

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