Sunday, September 16, 2018

You Are An Anointed One!

The Catholic Liturgy for the 24th Sunday of Ordinary Time, Sept. 16, 2018. Gospel – Mark 8:27-35. Theme: You are An Anointed One.

Peter said to him, “You are the Christ.”   So, what exactly does that title mean? To understand it’s great importance in the Bible, we have to recall the first or original sin of Adam and Eve. Because of this sin the whole human race was spiritually alienated from God, but He promised to heal the rift and make things right again by sending a Savior. This Promised One came to be known as the MESSIAH.

In Hebrew, Messiah means “anointed one”. In the Bible, those who were chosen by God to be prophets or priests or kings were ANOINTED with holy oil as a sign of their mission.  Since the Messiah was to be the greatest of these, He was known as THE Anointed One.  When Greek became the primary world language “Messiah” was translated into word, CHRISTOS which in English is CHRIST. And so there you have it. Christ means the Messiah:  the anointed prophet who would speak God’s Word to us, the anointed priest who would enable us to offer worship true worship to God, the anointed king who would lead not by strict domination like earthly kings but by loving service.

Now here is an awesome truth: each one of us who are baptized share in this Messiah-mission.  That is why we are called Christians.  As you might imagine, this word comes from the same root as Christ and it means “anointed ones”. Right after baptizing us with water the priest or deacon anointed us with Chrism, a consecrated holy oil that also comes from the same root word as Christ and Christian. And he prayed these words as he anointed us: God the Father of our Lord Jesus…now anoints you with the chrism of salvation. As Christ was anointed Priest, Prophet, and King…And if that wasn’t enough, we were anointed once again, at Confirmation. What does this anointing ask of us?

A prophet is anointed to be a messenger from God, a person who speaks for God by word and action. Prophets call people to conversion, to a relationship with God. Prophets speak the truth even when people do not want to hear the truth. However, prophets are often persecuted and sometimes even killed for this message. But Jesus assures us in today’s Gospel that “whoever loses his life for my sake and that of the gospel will save it” We Anointed Ones are called to bring God’s message to others first of all by living it and even by being ready to die for it.

A priest is someone who offers worship and sacrifice to God.  You might be surprised to know that the Bible and the Church teach that all baptized Christians are a priestly people. We especially exercise our baptismal priesthood by joining with the ordained priest in worship at the Eucharist. At Mass, we encounter the Sacrifice of the Cross in a deeply mystical but real way, and can unite our struggles and difficulties with those of Jesus. We offer up all that we endure as an act of love and worship to the Father for the good of the world.

Finally, we Anointed Ones are royalty, sharing in the Kingship of Christ. But Jesus reminds us that He is a very different kind of king that the ones we might imagine. He comes to establish the Kingdom of God in human hearts.  As Anointed Ones that is our mission as well. In today’s Gospel, Jesus invites us to follow Him, that is, to imitate His example, His way of living and loving, so that the Kingdom of God can spread to every human heart through us.

Our baptismal anointing is not a gift that God gives us for our own sakes.  We are called and anointed for the sake of others.  That’s why the liturgy has deacons dismiss the congregation from Mass with words like: “Go and announce the Gospel of the Lord” or “Go in peace, glorifying the Lord by your life.”  So, when you are dismissed today remember that each one of you has been anointed WITH Jesus, in order to BECOME other Christs among those with whom you live, work and socialize, helping to them draw nearer to the God and 

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