Saturday, August 20, 2022

Hiking the Narrow Path to Heaven


Homily for the 21st Sunday of Ordinary Time, August 21, 2022. Gospel of St. Luke 13:22-30. Theme: Hiking the Narrow Path to Heaven 

Last Sunday we heard about Jesus as a Prophet of Fire and the Sword, saying that faith in Him had the potential to sow division among families and friends. This side of Jesus surprises people who prefer a Savior who is an exclusively soft and gentle Lord. They are comfortable with a Messiah who accepts everyone exactly as they are, and who pats them on the back, so to speak, for trying to do a good job of following him. Now it’s true, of course, that Jesus does accept us as we are when we first sincerely come to him. And he does, indeed, encourage us on. But he doesn't leave us complacent in our mediocrity or stuck in the rut of our weaknesses and sins. He reaches out to us, takes us by the hand, and points out to us the way that leads to Heaven. 

In today’s Gospel Jesus surprises us once again by telling us that this way to Heaven isn’t going to be an easy hike. He calls it narrow and demanding. He cautions that only the strong, that is the spiritually disciplined and committed, will successfully make it there. In other parts of the Gospels he says that few people choose this narrow route because it requires a lot of sacrifice and self-discipline. Along this pathway we will have to make some changes and adjustments in our lives, and this won’t always be easy, but we know that it will all be worth it in the end. Those who do choose to travel this way understand that life on planet Earth, even when it's at its absolute best, is still only temporary and actually very short. But Heaven and Hell are forever. And so they go for the gold! 

And you know, I think the motif of a hike is a good way to get a handle on what Jesus is telling us. When we plan such an outing we prepare ourselves as best we can to have a safe and rewarding experience. We review a map of where we’re going. We ask others who have hiked the trail what we need to know or do to avoid problems and arrive safely at our destination. We make sure that we have good support on our feet and perhaps even a walking stick in our hands. And of course we bring along some water and nutrition to see us through the day. Well you know, our Faith provides us with similar kinds of advice and support for our trek through the narrow gate and along the narrow pathway. 

The Sacred Scriptures and Church teachings are our basic map to Heaven. They clearly point out to us the directions we need to follow, the dangers we need to avoid along the way, and the best routes to take in order to arrive at our destination. In addition, we have a whole company of saints who have blazed the trail before us and their example can show us how to reach a successful completion of the journey. The living waters of grace refresh and strengthen us when we get tired and the supernatural food of the Eucharist provides spiritual energy to persevere on the hike. In other words, we will have absolutely everything we need to be strong and remain on the narrow path. So, the main question for each one of us is this: will we refuse to give in or give up when the going gets tough? 

Yes, the gate and trail through which we pass to get from this world to the next is narrow and challenging. But Jesus knows that the hike can be quite difficult for us and often sends us encouragement along the way. Things like a special friend who always seems to be able to lift us up and make things brighter; a spiritual experience in prayer or at Mass that affirms what we believe and stokes the fire of the Holy Spirit within us; an encounter with someone who even in the midst of their own suffering and struggles radiates hope and joy; a particular saint who has special meaning to us and whose example encourages us to keep pressing forward towards the goal. Any and all of these things can strengthen our drooping hands and support our weak knees so that we can persevere to the end and eventually arrive at the awesome and eternal beauty of Heaven.

Interpretation of Jesus' Word about the two gates.  The Narrow Gate requires self-discipline and surrender to God in this life. It leads to Heaven. The Wide Gate is open to those who live to please and pamper themselves. It leads to Hell.  The artist uses traditional imagery to convey this point.

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